My mission is simple:
To deliver a little bit of sunshine to as many people as possible through creative expression and random acts of kindness.
Mishy Rowan, Art Therapy & Counselling
My art therapy practice is informed by a strengths based, client lead approach encouraging authentic self expression and empowerment within a creative, heart-centered environment.
As a graduate of the Master of Art Therapy at Western Sydney University (MArtTher) I hold a professional membership with ANZACATA, along with the necessary insurances. I work with clients who experience a range of mental health challenges and psychosocial disabilities, many who are recipients of NDIS. I also hold a current Working With Children's Check and I am a certified yoga teacher and a dedicated meditator. At present, I am working my way towards becoming a psychologist, and completing a Master of Psychological Practice at CSU. I am currently working on my thesis which is focused on emotional responses to the environmental crisis.
Whilst I primarily work with clients who experience psychosocial disability, I have previously worked with youth in out-of-home care and women who experienced domestic violence. I enjoy working with all ages and abilities and I look forward to discussing how art therapy could help you achieve your specific therapeutic goals. I am currently accepting referrals for clients aged 8 and above.
Being client lead, art therapy sessions are attuned to your interests and abilities, encouraging you to find your own forms of therapeutic expression using a range of medium, be it eco-art, found objects, costumes, clay, painting, drama, storytelling, sound-making and various other forms of creative expression.
I know first-hand how art therapy can be used to overcome life's challenges, as my story with Art Therapy was borne out of a desire to surround myself with colour after experiencing severe pain after surgery. This journey presented me with an opportunity to experience the healing power of art as therapy - its ability to ease physical pain whilst also creating pathways to improve self-esteem, enhance resilience and repair relationships.
I offer a free-of-charge 15-minute call to discuss your needs. If you would like to get in touch to find out more about art therapy or to book a session please contact me on 0487 727 657.